Friday, April 13, 2007

Here are the photos!

I like to try out new things like squeezing myself into stools (like this), boxes and even my daddy's wardrobe. I can open and close the sliding doors of the wardrobe too, you know. So don't worry, I will not lock myself in.

See, I can feed myself and I like doing it though Mum and Dad will have to mop the floor after every meal... ha....ha...

These are from the photo shoot...I like that house and I refused to come out so the cameraman had to use that as the prop. Mum and dad had to squeeze into that house too! I simply love it!

Hiya! I have grown!

Hi, I am back!

There are a lot of interesting happenings recently! I know how to speak - Yes! Finally I get to tell others what I want. I can feed myself, really! I'll show you a photo soon...I can do broad jump, I know how to put up two fingers to say"Good!" and I can fit in the wooden puzzles. The world is so exciting! Mum and dad are always beaming when I show them my prowess...heh.....heh.....

Well, no photos now keep you in suspense...ha.....ha.... Actually, mum is facing some problems trying to upload my photos...sigh....

Something more exciting - I went for a glamour shot! Yes! That type of shots that they do a makeover for you. Well, they tried to tie my hair but I disallowed it. I think I don't need any makeover, I am pretty enough and mum agreed. Will show you the photos soon...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Not Only Forward

I was seen to be able to take a few steps in the backward direction! Well, that was what dad told mum. And he seemed to be quite amused by it (shrug my shoulder and a no-big-deal look).

Oh really? I can walk backwards (ok...a few steps backward)?

Yea...yea...yea...actually, what happened was that I wanted to sit on my cross-legged daddy. So I walked towards him, and then turned around, but I thought I misjudged the distance and that my butt would land on the hard ground instead of his legs if I were to just sit, so I took a few steps backward. You know, just to be sure.

Yea...that's just about it (shrug my shoulder and a no-big-deal look).

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A bun...

How I got it? Well, I tripped, fell and knocked on a leg of my play pen, if you want to know. (Sob...sob...)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My first wet encounter

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bottoms Up...

ϋ Hee...hee..I can drink on my own. ϋ

Need no help from anybody. I can look to my left and I can look to my right, and both my hands are still on the bottle, and the bottle is still in my mouth. Nice and steady.
Now, let's bottoms up!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Cool Bed bed. It is cool not because it is cool (fashionable and nice looking), but because it is cool (not hot or warm). Why was I sleeping on the cool bed? Good question. I was on the cool bed because I was hot. You know what I mean. I was hot not because I was hot (sexy and good looking), but because I was hot (running a temperature of about 38°C). I hope you ain't confused, are you? Ü

That cool bed that I slept on (how do you find my pose?), actually it is a cushion. It is cool because it is filled with water. Sleeping on it is like sponging my body without getting wet. Sounds cool yeh?

I think daddies and mummies who are reading this thread can get something like this, in case, there is really a need. You know what I mean. Well, I didn't get to use it until today, though it was bought quite a while ago. Of course, I don't wanna use it, but nobody can guarantee this, you know. So, it's better for it to be there than not.

I am feeling much better now. At least the fever is gone and so is my grumpiness òó. I am a happy child once again. Ü

Sunday, January 15, 2006

My next challenge...crawl

Excuse me, can you help me get that toy, please?

Never mind, I'll go get it myself.
Look at me, I got strong legs.

But..but I just can't move forward!

Attention Please

Good Morning...

I can see you...
got your attention...

<= 15 min. after being left alone

I got your attention...again!!!