Friday, April 13, 2007

Here are the photos!

I like to try out new things like squeezing myself into stools (like this), boxes and even my daddy's wardrobe. I can open and close the sliding doors of the wardrobe too, you know. So don't worry, I will not lock myself in.

See, I can feed myself and I like doing it though Mum and Dad will have to mop the floor after every meal... ha....ha...

These are from the photo shoot...I like that house and I refused to come out so the cameraman had to use that as the prop. Mum and dad had to squeeze into that house too! I simply love it!

Hiya! I have grown!

Hi, I am back!

There are a lot of interesting happenings recently! I know how to speak - Yes! Finally I get to tell others what I want. I can feed myself, really! I'll show you a photo soon...I can do broad jump, I know how to put up two fingers to say"Good!" and I can fit in the wooden puzzles. The world is so exciting! Mum and dad are always beaming when I show them my prowess...heh.....heh.....

Well, no photos now keep you in suspense...ha.....ha.... Actually, mum is facing some problems trying to upload my photos...sigh....

Something more exciting - I went for a glamour shot! Yes! That type of shots that they do a makeover for you. Well, they tried to tie my hair but I disallowed it. I think I don't need any makeover, I am pretty enough and mum agreed. Will show you the photos soon...